The crunch of bones you just heard was Rick Perry being thrown under the bus. You’ve probably thought about Perry for less than a millisecond since early ’17, when he signed on with Trump as Energy Secretary and discovered (because he apparently didn’t know) that...
When the walking talking crime scene declared on the South Lawn yesterday that he’s indeed soliciting illegal collusion with Ukraine (“I would recommend they start an investigation into the Bidens”), and that he’s soliciting illegal collusion with a key authoritarian...
You’ve undoubtedly seen the stories, where reporters trek to the heartland to take the pulse of Trump voters – to divine their wisdom, as it were. Surely the next dispatch is already in the works… CORN CORNER (Mainstream Media News Service) – Bobbi Jo Jonesing poured...
Peter Pomerantsev, a former Russian TV producer, recently wrote a book about Vladimir Putin’s war on truth. Aptly entitled Nothing is True and Everything is Possible, the book depicts a regime that has blurred the line between fact and fiction so successfully that its...
The impeachable president whined last week that he missed the good days when the Fourth Estate covered him exactly the way he wanted. In his inimitable words, “I used to be the king of getting good press.” Just for the record, this poseur was never the king of...