A crime boss knows that underlings are useful until they’re not. Which is why, on the radio last night, Donald Trump threw Rudy Giuliani under the bus. We all knew this would happen. The fuzz have been closing in on Rudy – he’s now under federal investigation for a...
As we survey the havoc that Trump and his sycophants have wreaked on the institutions of government, we can at least be thankful, during this holiday week, that the federal judiciary has steadfastly upheld our most enduring values. Last Friday, for instance, a federal...
Given all that we know, and will continue to learn, about the national security scandals that have put Donald Trump on the glide path to impeachment, the last thing we need right now is a brand new clustermuck. But as a sower of lawless chaos, the man-child never...
Even if Donald Trump’s servile senators ultimately block his ouster, we’ll always have Fiona Hill and her smart stinging smackdown of the Putin-appeasing Republicans who infested the House impeachment probe. But to fully appreciate what Hill said yesterday – how sweet...
If you’re jonesing to learn who “won” or “lost” the latest Democratic presidential debate, you won’t get any help from me. All horse race queries are easily answered elsewhere. Far more interesting last night, at least to me, was the candidates’ usual dearth of...