That warble you just heard is the sound of a canary singing its heart out. Lev Parnas, the Trump factotum who was tasked with pressuring Ukraine to dig for (fake) dirt on Joe Biden, is spilling the beans to whomever will listen – Rachel Maddow, The New York Times, CNN...
If you’re like most Americans, last night’s umpteenth Democratic presidential debate came and went with scant attention paid. And if you’re idly wondering whether those 150 minutes re-scrambled the Iowa scrum, rest assured that they did not. Much of the material was...
Before the news cycle inevitably churns with the latest Democratic candidate imbroglio and Don the Con’s impeachment trial, we really should note, just for the record, that Hillary Clinton has been exonerated, yet again, by Trump’s federal sleuths. You may have missed...
Let’s give Dick Cheney a little credit. When George W. Bush’s veep wanted to cook the intelligence about Saddam Hussein – to falsely claim that Saddam was imminently aiming weapons of mass destruction at the United States – he personally trekked to CIA headquarters...
By Chris Satullo In the civic dialogue work I do with the PA Project for Civic Engagement, we have a favorite two-part question. We pose it to encourage people to examine their blind spots. Part 1: On an issue you really care about, do those who oppose your position...