Before Donald Trump began to slur his words and concoct fake verbs like “tolerize,” he declared yesterday that “as long as I’m president of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon…Their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized...
In a 1710 newspaper, satirist Jonathan Swift wrote: “Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.” Keep that in mind as we assess, and limp after, the latest lie tweeted by a Trumpist Republican. And as the campaign season grinds on, gird yourself for a lot...
Yawn, what a shock: Trumpist Republicans are trying to leverage war with Iran for political advantage here at home. Anyone who didn’t see that coming hasn’t been paying attention to the Trump playbook – or to the GOP playbook of 2002, during the prelude to war with...
By Chris Satullo In the deep-blue city where I live, people have been freaking out for weeks about polls that show President Trump essentially even with the leading Democrats in the three states that narrowly gave him the Oval Office in 2016: Michigan, Wisconsin and...
Well, the long-dreaded moment has finally arrived. We have a deadly foreign policy crisis, with Donald Trump – of all people – at the helm. The grifter who couldn’t successfully run a casino or an airline or a steak business is now supposedly qualified to make...