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Trump discovers that science is actually a good thing

Trump discovers that science is actually a good thing

In these bleak times, we must cherish the rare moments of bliss. And it was indeed blissful early last evening when Donald Trump – for once – zipped his flapping lips and ceded the podium to people who actually know what they’re talking about. If there’s any...
Is Trump supremely ill equipped to combat the coronavirus? Duh.

Is Trump supremely ill equipped to combat the coronavirus? Duh.

Ever since Donald Trump took the oath to preserve and protect, many of us have been relieved that someone so manifestly unfit has not been confronted with a true national emergency. Oh well. Ask yourself whether this is the kind of person you want helming America on...
Here’s how Bernie can beat Trump! (Possibly. Theoretically.)

Here’s how Bernie can beat Trump! (Possibly. Theoretically.)

Bernie Sanders’ sweeping win last night in the Nevada Democratic caucus – in virtually every age category, and with multiracial support – will surely prompt the Russians to pop Champagne. They’ve been reportedly boosting Bernie behind the scenes, having calculated...