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A State of the Union MAGA rally, starring John Belushi

A State of the Union MAGA rally, starring John Belushi

Way back in the ’70s, on the original Saturday Night Live, John Belushi played a character called “The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave,” so named because of its propensity for crashing a house party, slobbering on the sofa until all hours,...
Iowa Caucus chaos should kill it forever. Please.

Iowa Caucus chaos should kill it forever. Please.

Once upon a time, on the eve of the 1988 presidential primary season, Des Moines newspaper columnist Donald Kaul shared a blasphemous opinion with his local readers. The first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus was “a nice little oddball political event with considerable...
Dear Democrats: Beat Bernie Sanders, or you will feel the burn

Dear Democrats: Beat Bernie Sanders, or you will feel the burn

What a dire scenario: A corrupt Republican president soaked in scandal wins re-election in part because dimwitted Democrats decide to nominate a small-state senator who’s way too left-wing for the American mainstream. But enough about how Richard Nixon thrashed...