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Uncle Joe is on top, and that’s no malarkey

Uncle Joe is on top, and that’s no malarkey

A cinch pop quiz: Which news is causing Donald Trump more angst? a) Americans are being infected, some fatally, by the coronavirus b) Joe Biden is back from the dead and coming his way C’mon, folks, it’s not even close! Trump, whose sole priority is Trump, feared a...
Mayor Pete showed us how far we’ve come as a nation

Mayor Pete showed us how far we’ve come as a nation

Before we’re subsumed by Super Tuesday, let’s pause for breath and pay homage to Pete Buttigieg. In this abysmally bad hour for America, we have a rare opportunity to feel good about something. Pete was the first openly gay presidential candidate, but what’s most...
The urgent quest to beat Bernie gets some welcome Joe-mentum

The urgent quest to beat Bernie gets some welcome Joe-mentum

OK, here’s what needs to happen. Like, today. Right now. Mayor Pete? You have a bright future. You speak well, and your quip about Trump being stuck in the ’50s and Bernie being stuck in the ’60s deserves to live on. But the town you ran has fewer people than my...