By Chris Satullo Don’t know about you, but these days I live in a state of perpetual, quiet rage. So this week, I’m going to drop the habits of cool analysis and civil tongue I usually try to maintain in this space. I’m going to vent, to tell some people – the ones...
Once upon a time, when Obamacare was new, furious Republicans lied daily that the president’s signature reform law would ration health care and dictate who should live and who should die. Remember that flap, back in 2009? A crackpot named Sarah Palin coined the fake...
There are many things I love about my country. But “rugged individualism,” when taken to its extreme, does not make my list. Nor does religious zealotry, when its practice threatens the welfare of other people. For instance, here’s Nino Vitale, a Republican state...
I doubt that many of us foresaw the dystopian era when a failed casino owner would presume to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln – the worst president in history invoking the very best. Alas, that’s where we are. A guy who’s told 18,000 lies is obsessed with Honest...
In desperate times like ours – with 67,000 dead and a leadership vacuum in the White House – we are compelled to grade on a curve. Which is why this weekend’s award for uplifting eloquence goes to…George W. Bush. I rarely situate the words eloquence and Bush in the...