Seriously, are we at all surprised that the Senate Republicans – the same craven crew that rescued Donald Trump from impeachment – are now on the verge of screwing the 30 million jobless folks who’ve been screwed by Trump’s raging pandemic? Since March, those...
Here’s the ’20 presidential race in a nutshell: On Tuesday, Joe Biden unveiled the “third pillar” of his substantive plan to defeat our health and economic crises. A few hours later, Donald Trump droned on at length about the pandemic that he has cataclysmically...
In The Verdict, a sleazy lawyer played by Paul Newman crashes a stranger’s funeral and cons the widow with a blast of blarney about her late husband: “I knew him vaguely through the Lodge. He was a wonderful man.” I thought of that scene while reading the Republican...
I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or peek between my fingers. Perhaps you’d like to watch Trump’s sitdown with Chris Wallace, and see how you react. I just…I can’t even…With all due respect to the mentally challenged, it was like visiting an institution to check on...
Unidentified heavily militarized “cops” in unmarked vans are pulling innocent citizens off the streets and hustling them into custody with no explanation to their captives. Who could ever have imagined such a thing happening in America? Answer: Anyone who’d paid even...