By Chris Satullo I know how Bari Weiss feels. Well, not the part about being dismissed and scorned as a woman and a Jew. I am, after all, a Protestant white guy. Ah, privilege. But the part about feeling exhausted by the challenges of finding an independent path...
What do white suburbanites fear more: Living among people of color – or dying from COVID-19? Joe Biden is rightly betting that it’s the latter. On social media yesterday, he framed the top issue of 2020: “President Obama and I left a playbook for President Trump on...
Democratic leaders are converting their August national convention into a virtual gathering, and they’ve told all their delegates to stay home. Republican leaders are still planning an in-person confab to hail Caesar, but at least seven senators and eight House...
Let’s begin today with Joe Biden, who is far too often trumped by the tumultuous roar of the MAGA train wreck. Biden, who currently leads Trump by nine points nationally and by as many as five points in Texas (Texas!), had a few choice things to say yesterday about...
What could possibly be worse than having a depraved incompetent in charge of a pandemic? Nothing. But second place is reserved for Betsy DeVos, who’s pushing to put our schoolkids on the front lines without even the foggiest notion of how to do it safely. Which is par...