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We’re all exhausted. But here’s some advice from Barack Obama.

We’re all exhausted. But here’s some advice from Barack Obama.

With 12 days left on the electoral clock, I’m exhausted. You’re exhausted. Everyone outside the Trump cult is exhausted. But just remember, Trump wants us to be exhausted. That’s his plan, such as it is. He wants to wear us down with lies, demagoguery, petty conflict,...
Meet John Cornyn, a charter member of the GOP Cowardice Corps

Meet John Cornyn, a charter member of the GOP Cowardice Corps

Few things in our benighted nation are more pathetic than the spectacle of Trump toadies trying to worm their way back to some semblance of respectability. Now that the tinpot authoritarian seems destined for defeat (he’s even trashing Dr. Fauci – a brilliant...