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The view from Hitler’s bunker

The view from Hitler’s bunker

Yesterday, one of Trump’s few remaining lawyers claimed that Joe Biden’s victory was caused by a computer “algorithm,” part of a communist plot contrived by Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez (Hugo Chavez died seven years ago). It was so bonkers – as is Trump’s last-ditch bid to...
How does Emily Murphy sleep at night?

How does Emily Murphy sleep at night?

It’s Day 16 of the post-election window, President-elect Biden is anxious to plan as best he can to save the lives of as many Americans as possible – and yet, oh so predictably, we still have a Trump apparatchik gumming up the works. How does Emily Murphy sleep at...
Trump flunky Rudy is on gravedigging duty

Trump flunky Rudy is on gravedigging duty

President-elect Biden is building a team of competent professionals and buttressing his national security chops with a coterie of outside experts. By contrast, Trump has Rudy Giuliani. That’s all you need to know about the current state of play. While one presidency...
Just peachy: As Georgia goes, so goes the U.S. Senate

Just peachy: As Georgia goes, so goes the U.S. Senate

Ray Charles famously sang, “I said Georgia / Ooh Georgia / No peace I find.” No peace indeed; Ray got that right. It’s perversely fitting that the 2020 freak show will bleed into 2021, capped by twin Senate contests in a traditional red state that’s tilting purple....
After Trump is dethroned, treat him like Al Capone

After Trump is dethroned, treat him like Al Capone

If there was justice in this world, the fake president who in a mere eight months has helped kill a quarter of a million citizens would be indicted for criminal negligence. It’s right there in the statutes. Criminal negligence is conduct in which a person ignores a...