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Self-pity party: In defeat, Trump still corrals his bleating sheep

Self-pity party: In defeat, Trump still corrals his bleating sheep

Now that a real president is poised to fight the pandemic – as Joe Biden said the other day, “There’s a whole range of things that have to be done quickly” – the self-pitying lame duck, an impeached two-time popular vote loser, has been freed from the job he never...
Lamar Alexander, a classic profile in cowardice

Lamar Alexander, a classic profile in cowardice

The U.S. Senate has long been nicknamed “The Cave of Winds,” for good reason. The chamber gusted with gusto yesterday when Lamar Alexander delivered his farewell speech. Lamar, a two-time presidential candidate who was so dull that his strategists felt compelled to...
Scott Atlas has quit. But he can’t scrub the blood off his hands.

Scott Atlas has quit. But he can’t scrub the blood off his hands.

It’s nice to get good news for a change. Take yesterday, for instance. Two more swing states certified Joe Biden’s solid victory. And in Washington, MAGA doctor Scott Atlas quit his job. In the spirit of a famous children’s book, I say to him: “Good night, loon.” As...