The ideal solution to the current constitutional crisis – a crisis five years in the making, metastasizing in plain sight every step of the way – is for Donald Trump to resign. Like, right now. But naturally that won’t happen, because Trump and his congressional...
By Chris Satullo What else did you expect? When someone tells you who they are, believe them. When someone’s actions shows you who they are, believe that. For everyone who is professing utter amazement over what happened Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol, I have a...
Billions of dollars are spent each year on security and intelligence, on keeping America safe, yet somehow ragtag right-wing rabble managed to storm into the U.S. Capitol in a mere 20 minutes. How was that possible? On social media, MAGA goons had long been signaling...
The domestic terrorism that we witnessed yesterday was always bound to happen. The feral creature who nurtured it had long signaled us that it was coming. I watched in horror and fury, as did you, but I was not shocked to see the MAGA rabble running wild. What’s...
Dear loser, On behalf of all Americans who love democracy, I wish to sincerely thank you for the wreckage you’ve wrought on the party you purported to lead. First of all, thank you for turning the U.S. Senate blue. That’s an historic feat. It looks like Georgia –...