Oh, so now she tells us. In a CNN interview that aired the other night, Dr. Deborah Birx – remember her? Trump’s point person on the pandemic? – essentially declared that her former boss was responsible for mass death. Those of us with functioning brains have known...
To best understand what’s happened in Georgia, let’s quote Senator Richard Russell – one of the Peach State’s 20th century “giants,” so giant in stature that the Russell Senate Office Building bears his name. He once wrote in a letter, “Any southern white man worth a...
Dad: “Hustle up, kids, we’re gonna be late for the movies! Hey, Biff, where’s your little brother?” Biff: “He won’t leave his room, Dad. And he’s refusing to wear his gun. The voices are telling me that Skippy is, like, such a snowflake.” Dad: “Skippy, you get down...
The first week of spring has barely begun, but we already have a winner in the Dumb As A Box Of Rocks contest. It has been obvious for a very long time that Washington D.C. deserves statehood – just for starters, it has more people than Wyoming or Vermont; its...
Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, minced no words when he referenced Russia. The leaders of that faraway land “make no pretense of loving liberty,” he wrote, because that’s a country “where despotism can be taken pure.” Today’s MAGA Republicans, who...