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Three big reasons why Biden is the best man for this pivotal moment

Three big reasons why Biden is the best man for this pivotal moment

How fortunate we are that Joe Biden is in the room where it happens. For three reasons: 1. As evidenced last night, during his Fireside Chat-style assessment of America on the cusp of recovery, he is the manifest inverse of the fraud who preceded him. Granted, Trump...
Can we please not talk anymore about the Royals?

Can we please not talk anymore about the Royals?

If only we had a vaccine that would cure our sick obsession with the Royal Family, I’d be the first to sign up. I’d cut in line for that. If 100 percent efficacy required three doses, I’d raise my arm for that. Just so you know where I’m coming from. At some point in...
Uncle Joe delivers the goods while MAGA dolts drone about Dr. Seuss

Uncle Joe delivers the goods while MAGA dolts drone about Dr. Seuss

Your vote matters. Elections have consequences. For proof we need only contrast what happened on March 6, 2020 with what happened on March 6, 2021. One year ago yesterday, when Americans were being assured that the virus was no big deal, a bloviating buffoon who’d...