Remember the bad old days when Republicans equated Obamacare with “Armageddon,” called it a “train wreck,” predicted it was “destined to fail,” cheered on a president who vowed to “terminate it,” and basically spent an entire decade trying to kill the law in Congress...
Republican party chairman Vladimir Putin was totally on brand in Geneva, slinging propaganda that eerily mirrored the lies recited daily by his American apparatchiks. At this point, who can tell who’s echoing whom? By coincidence (nah) or design (yup), they’re all in...
On a podcast the other day, national political reporter Thomas Edsall analyzed the mounting threat of Republican authoritarianism and posed a great question: “Trump and the Republican party have created a real dilemma for the media…A party of sedition is trying to...
Two summers ago in North Carolina, I met up with my friend Dave Zucchino, the eminent journalist. Over lunch I asked him what he was working on – the rote question people like us ask each other. His answer was anything but rote. He was busy digging into something...
Thanksgiving came early this year. Let’s be grateful that we have a President who says stuff like this: “(I will) meet with Mr. Putin to let him know what I want him to know…The United States will respond in a robust and meaningful way when the Russian government...