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While Trump soils the news cycle, Biden sends money to families

Guess what: The most important story in the current news cycle is not the exiled demagogue’s rant that he would never have staged a coup with a loser like General Mark Milley. Cable news, in particular, is still feeding the beast, falling for his claptrap every time...

Very nice, Uncle Joe. But you only told us what we already know.

President Biden delivered a very nice speech yesterday about the MAGA Republican plot to destroy democracy. But there was one big problem. “The 2020 election – it’s not hyperbole to suggest – (was) the most examined and the fullest expression of the will of the people...

The canonization of Ashli Babbitt is classic fascism

“Who killed Ashli Babbitt?” Our top domestic terrorist keeps asking that. He posed the question at a rally last week, on his fake presidential stationery the other day, and on Fox News yesterday. He thinks it’s a real brain teaser. The obvious answer is that he killed...

Yo, delta dolts: Is it worth getting sick or dead just to own the libs?

On the fourth of July weekend, a number of sloppy headlines declared: Biden fails to achieve 70 percent vaccination goal. But in truth, the headlines should’ve read: Vaccination resisters fail to meet Biden’s vaccination goal. They deserve the blame, not Biden. And...