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On Afghanistan, can we all just take a chill pill?

It’s surely blasphemy for me to suggest that we all just chill out a wee bit about Afghanistan. But here goes: Thanks to the hyperactive 24/7 news cycle and the instant gratification of Twitter hysteria, we don’t chill very well in this benighted century. The grim...

It was always fated to end this way

Anyone who professes to be shocked by the Taliban victory in Afghanistan has not been paying attention. It was always bound to happen. It was merely delayed because Uncle Sam kept his trillion-dollar finger in the dike for 20 years. Were we fated to remain forever, in...

Honest Abe: “You gotta be kidding. Chuck Grassley just said WHAT?”

The Hall of Shame is getting clogged with fascist coup enablers, but a special plaque should be carved for Chuck Grassley. On the Senate floor yesterday, the very senior Iowa Republican senator harrumphed about the new evidence that Trump actively plotted to overthrow...