I suppose I should say something new about That Day. For the big anniversary, everyone else is giving it a try. But perhaps it’s more instructive to break open the 2001 time capsule and revisit what I wrote in the heat of the moment – admittedly numb and dumb, as was...
Eighteen years ago, when California Republicans succeeded in ousting Democratic Gov. Gray Davis halfway through his tenure, just because they didn’t like his big budget deficit and his gray personality, I warned in The Philadelphia Inquirer that the recall tactic...
According to the King James Bible, “No prophet is accepted in his own country.” True that! Check out this quote: “We have reached a fundamentally new stage in the development of human civilization, in which it is necessary to take responsibility for a recent but...
Now that Roe v. Wade is dead in our second-largest state, thanks to the Texas Taliban’s bounty-hunter law that was blessed the other night by five Republican appointees on the U.S. Supreme Court, there’s plenty of blame to spread around. Progressive purists who...
We interrupt our regular programming of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan to bring you this bulletin about the Taliban takeover in Texas. It’s horrific – but surely not surprising, given this benighted nation’s drift toward authoritarianism – that Texas, assisted...