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GUEST COLUMN: To repair America , we need to be WISED UP.

By Chris Satullo Don’t know how to break it to you, but you’re WEIRD. If it’s any comfort, so am I. So are the bulk of Americans. In the world of psychological research, WEIRD is a much-discussed acronym. It stands for: WesternEducatedIndustrializedRichDemocratic...

Yo, Democrats: Half a loaf won’t leave you starving.

President Biden remarked yesterday: “I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that the House and Senate majorities and my presidency will be determined by what happens in the next week.” Oy veh. He wants to trust his fate to his fellow Democrats?...

Democracy’s clock ticks ever closer to midnight

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the authoritarian Senate Republicans voted in lockstep goosestep yesterday – for the third time this year – to block any debate on federal voting rights. Let me repeat that: Not only does the Trumpist GOP oppose...

Country first: Let’s remember Colin Powell at his best

We’ve long known about Colin Powell’s worst public sin. He finally acknowledged it nine years ago when he wrote, “I was mad at myself for not having smelled the problem. My instincts failed me.” The invasion hawks in the Bush regime exploited...