By Chris Satullo The Texas Heartbeat Act, which all but outlaws abortion in the Lone Star State, is a lousy piece of lawmaking propped up so far by a sneaky bit of evasion from the Catholic bloc on the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet, it might still turn out to be one of the...
You have to feel a smidgen of sympathy for Glenn Youngkin, the former hedge fund investor who’s trying to be the first Republican to win a Virginia gubernatorial race since 2009. The state has been trending blue for a long time – most recently, Joe Biden squashed...
I took a break for 10 days and it’s like nothing has changed. The coup loon is still treating the law like it’s a chew toy. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a good American supposed to honor a subpoena once it’s served? Isn’t it a fundamental rule of law that one...
By Chris Satullo I’m not Bill Maher – and glad of it – but even so I’d like to propose a New Rule: Don’t demand an apology unless you intend to accept it. (At least, any apology offered in good faith.) Don’t demand an apology if your purpose is to turn around and use...
Sometimes you can’t track the sleaze merchants without a scorecard, especially when there’s only six degrees of separation. Take, for instance, red South Dakota, home of Governor Kristi Noem – AKA Sarah Palin 2.0, with the dumbed-down populist pitch, the veep...