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Trump puts his paw on the scale in Virginia

You have to feel a smidgen of sympathy for Glenn Youngkin, the former hedge fund investor who’s trying to be the first Republican to win a Virginia gubernatorial race since 2009. The state has been trending blue for a long time – most recently, Joe Biden squashed...

When you get a subpoena, aren’t you supposed to show up?

I took a break for 10 days and it’s like nothing has changed. The coup loon is still treating the law like it’s a chew toy. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a good American supposed to honor a subpoena once it’s served? Isn’t it a fundamental rule of law that one...

Come to South Dakota, where it’s six degrees of sleazy separation

Sometimes you can’t track the sleaze merchants without a scorecard, especially when there’s only six degrees of separation. Take, for instance, red South Dakota, home of Governor Kristi Noem – AKA Sarah Palin 2.0, with the dumbed-down populist pitch, the veep...