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There’s no cure for Covidiocy. The tinfoil hat is hip.

If only I had a magic wand, I would henceforth consign all conspiracy freaks and vaccine refuseniks (78 million in number) to some distant desert isle where they could breathe free upon each other until God sorts them out. I know that sounds harsh, but I am beyond fed...

Wow, what a smug arrogant elitist! Kamala bought some cookware!

I get why the rabid dogs on the Republican right have been in high dudgeon over Kamala Harris’ decision to spend $500 of her own money on some Paris cookware. Maybe if she’d gone to an all-American gun shop and dropped a grand on an AR-15, they might’ve been fine with...

Chris Christie, rinse and repeat: Another rehabilitation humilation

If Bill Murray were to star in a sequel to Groundhog Day, he’d wake up to the Sonny and Cher alarm clock, take the cold shower, step in the puddle, parry the insurance agent, trudge to the gazebo…and see Chris Christie doing his same old song and dance. Seriously, him...