It’s hilarious – correction, it’s pathetic – that the gun lobby’s Republican puppets have responded to the latest mass shootings by floating the bright idea that teachers should be locked ‘n’ loaded in order to deter future Second Amendment marauders. But having...
By Chris Satullo America has deep problems. This has been underlined in recent days – vividly, bloodily, heartbreakingly. Having hung around this country for nearly seven decades now, I can think back to other times when the cascade of news felt this bruising, this...
It’s blasphemy in certain circles to state the obvious, which is that America is not exceptional in every way, that we Americans are not the peerless masters of the universe, and that Ted Cruz has his head up his tush when he says (as he did yesterday) that America is...
In these downbeat times, we’re big on upbeat news. Heck, we’ll take anything that puts a spring in our step. So let’s put our hands together for the peachy GOP primary results in Georgia. Donald Trump, being a malignant narcissist, is solely motivated by the...
Read to the bottom for a mild surprise. So here we go again. Politicians of all stripes will offer their “thoughts” and “prayers” to the victims’ families. Special-interest groups on the right will cite the latest bloodbath as proof that we need more gun ownership....