Forgive me for harping so much on the metastasizing plot to destroy American democracy, but it does seem to be a tad more important than some of our narratives du jour, like whether Amber Heard did or did not deposit poop in Johnny Depp’s bed. Consider, for instance,...
By Chris Satullo Let me open with a statistic and a question. The stat: Last weekend, more than 370 rallies were held across America to protest the likelihood that the U.S. Supreme Court will soon overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. The...
Oh this is just so delicious: Each top contender for the Pennsylvania’s GOP Senate nomination – celebrity quack Melmet Oz and failed Trump groveler David McCormick – believes that he will eke out a primary victory once all the mail ballots are counted. Yes, the mail...
The writer Alan Furst has shrewdly observed, “Fascism famously stomps around in jackboots, but it sometimes wears carpet slippers, padding about softly on the edges of one’s life, and in a way that is worse.” And so here we are, in my home state of Pennsylvania, face...
If for some deranged reason you still cling to the hope that grassroots Republican voters will cleanse themselves of Trump’s abiding stench, I suggest you read up on last night’s House GOP primary in West Virginia. There once was a time, in a measurably saner America,...