JOE BIDEN, 2020 CAMPAIGN: “I want to unite us. We are all Americans.”
MAGA: “Fuck you Brandon and die already you decrepit doddering socialist scumbag who stole our Glorious Victory which wasn’t very white of you with your fake voters and your deep-state ‘judges’ and your enemy of the people fake news media and your pedophiles and your elites with their fancy ‘college’ ‘degrees’ who all think they’re smarter than us so fuck you you old fossil for making us take over the Capitol and lose Ashli Babbitt in a heroic Blood Sacrifice but that was all a rehearsal because the next one will be wild with maybe tiki torches and a real hangman and that will be a blessed event because our earthly Lord and Savior already says He will pardon all of us very strongly and then He shall be Reinstated despite whatever your sick sinister evil jackboot feds are doing at his beautiful home planting ‘documents’ that He has already declassified before sending them to his Presidential liberry and don’t forget we still have nearly 150 strong Republicans in the Congress who refused to endorse your ‘win’ last time and who will again have the Courage next time to do what’s Right and meanwhile we’re working hard to seize control of the election-counting in key states and we’re scaring away all the ‘nonpartisan’ poll workers so that we can ensure that the Right votes get counted in the Right way because remember what He Himself once retweeted, ‘the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,’ and maybe you’re in your basement snorting coke with Fetterman and you know what else – “
BIDEN, SEPT. 1, 2022: “OK, some Americans really are dangerous.”
MAGA: “Fuck you, stop dividing this country!”