In the spring of 1865, a woman named Frances Seward collapsed and died. She couldn’t cope with the trauma of having witnessed what had happened on the night of April 14, when a Confederate terrorist invaded her home and stabbed her husband – Secretary of State William...
By Chris Satullo Three recent moments of everyday life that spurred me to think semi-deep political thoughts: 1) My wife and I strolled up to the Eastern States Penitentiary in Philadelphia’s Fairmount section the other day to deposit our mail-in ballots for the...
With the midterm elections less than two weeks away, check out these stats: According to a new poll sponsored by the Public Religion Research Institute, 67 percent of Republicans and 71 percent of white evangelicals say that our “American culture and way of life” was...
When I was a kid I’d sometimes cover my eyes or ears during scary movies. I did it again last night, for as long as I could bear it. About the Pennsylvania Senate debate – with the fate of the Senate itself hanging in the balance – perhaps the less said the better. A...
The midterm polls tell us that millions of Americans care not a whit about the slow death of democracy, that what apparently matters most is inflation (a global woe that’s far worse elsewhere). But if our imperiled institutional health truly takes a back seat to the...