Celebrity pigskin toter Herschel Walker has arguably won the award for worst Senate candidate of 2022 – the Georgia aspirant lies as he breathes and can barely string two coherent sentences together – but the latest revelation should cement his sleazy rep and clinch his defeat.
It should clinch his defeat. But, as we well know, there’s no bottom of the barrel anymore – not for candidates, not for an electorate that put a life-long grifter in the White House.
Walker touts himself as an anti-abortion absolutist; as he has repeatedly said, “There’s no exception in my mind. Like I say, I believe in life. I believe in life.” But now it turns out (no surprise) that he endorses at least one exception: The fruit of his own loins.
A woman has come forward this week to share the news that, in 2009, Walker got her pregnant but decided it wasn’t “the right time” for him to add to his roster of out-of-wedlock kids. So he paid for her to have an abortion…and she kept the receipts – the receipt from the abortion clinic facility, and the $700 bank receipt which shows that Walker reimbursed her. She also saved his “get well” card.
It gets worse. Now the purported “pro-family” candidate is being roasted alive by his own family. Let’s aggregate the tweets from son Christian Walker:
“I know my mom and I would really appreciate if my father Herschel Walker stopped lying and making a mockery of us. You’re not a ‘family man’ when you left us to bang a bunch of women, threatened to kill us, and had us move over 6 times in 6 months running from your violence…how DARE YOU LIE and act as though you’re some ‘moral, Christian, upright man.’ You’ve lived a life of DESTROYING other peoples lives. How dare you…Every family member of Herschel Walker asked him not to run for office, because we all knew (some of) his past. Every single one. He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it...You have 4 kids that we know of, and you weren’t in the house raising ONE of them, you were out cheating and lying. If you loved your kids you’d be raising them instead of running for a senate race to boost your ego.”
I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the family’s next Thanksgiving.
For what it’s worth, Walker denies the abortion story, says that he may have given the woman money only because he’s “generous” to lots of people, and says that he loves his son no matter what.
So, let’s review: In the hopes of recapturing the Senate (with flipping the blue Georgia seat as a top priority), Republican voters chose a Trump-endorsed violent abuser with secret children who paid by check for an abortion and lied about everything. (That strikes me as even worse than Republicans nominating, in swing-state Pennsylvania, a Trump-endorsed celebrity TV quack who did experiments that killed more than 300 doggies.)
But here’s the big question: Will his fraudulent “pro-life” “pro-family” image doom him on Nov. 8? For those of us alive in contemporary America, that is not a foregone conclusion.
Walker might be the beneficiary of good ole-fashioned southern Christian forgiveness – a fabulous deal that allows him to egregiously and hypocritically misbehave in ways that violate his public posture…and still get a pass from God. Plus, there’s a new-fashioned factor we know all too well; as former GOP Georgia lawmaker Scot Turner tells NBC News, “If you asked me five years ago, I would’ve said someone like Donald Trump could’t get elected. Today, that calculus is different.”
True that! Back when I started covering politics, a candidate could lose an election just by flip-flopping on a hot issue. Today, even a guy who’s dumb as a rock (“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? If that is true, why are there still apes?”), lies with impunity, and gets eviscerated by his own family is still electorally competitive – simply because he wears the Trump armband. Not even the most powerful night-vision binoculars can help us find the bottom of the barrel.
I posted this earlier on FB:
“If Jeffrey Dahmer came back to run for Congress with an (R) after his name, would he lose a single Trumplican vote?”
(And his slogan could be something like “Nobody can serve you better”)