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Welcome to America, dear girl. Our apologies.

In Nashville yesterday, a trio of 9-year-olds went off to school and didn’t come home. They’ll soon be tossed on the ever-burning American pyre. If only it were possible to affix the blame where it truly belongs! Before we inevitably move on, let’s round up the possible suspects. Those kids died thanks to the pernicious influence of…

Drag queen shows.

Michelangelo statue’s genitalia.

Gay-friendly Disney.

Banks that practice diversity.

Civil rights curricula.

“Lesbian” M&Ms.

Gender-neutral bathrooms.

20 Jodi Picoult books.

Toni Morrison books.

Transgender “groomers.”

Young adult books about Hank Aaron.

Young adult books about Roberto Clemente.

Dolly Parton/Miley Cyrus’ “Rainbow” song

People who don’t pray.

School lessons that refer to Rosa Parks’ race.

Same-sex Tennessee couples.

A PG film about a Black kid who integrated a white school.

The Holocaust graphic novel “Maus.”

Gender-affirming health care.

School lessons that mention puberty and girls’ periods.

So far I am stumped. But wait, we have more suspects:

Congressional Republican gun lovers and gun toters.

A gun-fetishizing “thoughts ‘n’ prayers” Tennessee governor.


Now we’re getting warmer.