Forgive me for asking a personal question. Have you ever peered deep into your refrigerator and discovered moldering leftovers festooned with bacterial spores? That’s what the criminal defendant/convicted sex abuser did yesterday. But instead of throwing the stuff...
Are you familiar with “No Labels,” the heavily-bankrolled third party movement that preaches “centrism” and threatens – despite its ostensibly good intentions – to hurt Joe Biden’s re-election prospects and help the criminal defendant/convicted sex abuser reclaim his...
Is it safe to assume that Memorial Day is still a nonpartisan holiday? Is honoring the soldiers who’ve fought and died for democracy still cool with everybody? I feel compelled to ask because, these days, people with low motives will fight in high dudgeon about...
By Chris Satullo Since it now seems obvious that the Ron DeSantis clown car, with Elon Musk riding shotgun, is not going to beat Donald J. Trump to the finish line during the Republican primaries in 2024, we’re looking to repeat the 2020 presidential matchup that just...
If my math is correct, the ’24 Republican presidential contest is starting to look like the Marx brothers’ stateroom scene. Right now I count nine or ten active or explorative candidates: criminal defendant/convicted sexual abuser Donald Trump, South Carolina Sen. Tim...