Liz Cheney recently lamented that “we’re electing idiots.” Examples abound, but I’d start with Tommy Tuberville. The voters of Alabama – being Alabamans – decided that it would be a swell idea to send, to the United States Senate, a guy whose sole experience in the...
While pondering the pathetic fates of three Trump legal eagles – Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Lin Wood – I’m reminded of a line from an old Jackson Browne song: “the strangled cries of lawyers in love” Plus, this old cliche: “When you lie down with dogs, you get...
What a perfect holiday-week news story, the equivalent of a brainless summer movie: Some clown recently left a small baggie of cocaine in the White House visitors area (oops), thus inspiring various clowns in the MAGA cult (especially the twice-indicted clown) to...
You won’t be shocked to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court’s reputation is in the toilet. A new national poll, conducted in mid-June, found that only 29 percent of Americans – a record low – rate the court favorably…and that was before it ruled against gay people in a...