Seven years ago, when Cassidy Hutchinson was a college undergrad, she was profiled on her school’s website. It began this way: “For as long as she can remember, senior Cassidy Hutchinson has admired the men and women who enter public service.”
Hoo boy. Trump sure blasted the stars out of her eyes.
It’s tempting to dismiss the Trump White House whistle-blower as old news, given the nonstop MAGA sewage that coarsens and numbs us on a daily basis. Just yesterday, a New York judge concluded in a monumental ruling that Trump relentlessly defrauded banks and insurers by blatantly inflating the value of his properties; better yet, the judge cancelled all the business licenses for the Trump Org and its subsidiaries. If America was a normal western democracy, this ruling alone – never mind Trump’s 91 felony raps – would be enough to blow the guy off the political map forever.
Nevertheless, it’s nice to know even during these twisted times that Cassidy Hutchinson is out there, showing more spine than all the sewage-sipping Republicans put together. Her tell-all tome, Enough, hit the bookstores yesterday and, not surprisingly, it’s chock full of fresh details gleaned from her front-row seat at the Fascist Follies – stuff we didn’t hear about when she testified 15 months ago in front of the Jan. 6 Committee. For instance, this tidbit from Insurrection Day:
“The president is yelling. What is he saying? I can’t make it out. I hear him say hang repeatedly. Hang…Suddenly everything makes sense. They are calling for the vice president to be hanged. The president is okay with it.”
And this:
Her boss, chief of staff Mark Meadows, told her: “Cass, if I can get through this job and manage to keep (Trump) out of jail, I’ll have done a good job.”
And this:
On Dec. 18, 2020, six weeks after Trump’s defeat, Trump weighed the idea of seizing voting machines, and White House deputy chief of staff Tony Ornato told Hutchinson that he “heard the president talk about…martial law.” She writes that she also heard Trump screaming, “I don’t care how you do it, just get it fucking done!” (She didn’t know what “it” was.)
And so much more. Like, for instance, this:
After Meadows’ office became smoky before a meeting in those final days, MAGA congressman Devin Nunes asked Hutchinson, “How often is he burning papers?” Meadows’ wife pleaded to Hutchinson, “Mark doesn’t need to burn anything else. All of his suits smell like a bonfire.”
Granted, roughly half the people in this benighted nation don’t care what this courageous lady says; nor do they give a hoot that the defeated dirtbag who tried to foment a coup is now vowing to investigate NBC News for treason and wants Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley executed for treason and wants the government shut down in the deluded hope that it will help save his felonious ass. But for those of us who still revere democracy, it’s comforting that Hutchinson has kept her head on straight, fought her way free of the MAGA maelstrom and cleansed her conscience for the greater good.
And if what she witnessed in the waning days of Trump’s regime seems like ancient history, her fresh warnings about 2024 should pass the relevance test. From her TV interviews this week:
“These people (Trump and his conspirators) very well could be in power again, and do we want people who have already shown that they’re willing and want to overthrow an election? Do we want to put people like that back in power?…We’re talking about a man who at the very essence of his being almost destroyed democracy in one day and he wants to do it again…
“We all should want the republic to survive. But in the way that Mr. Trump’s trajectory is currently going, I am not confident it (would) survive…He is willing, and has showed time and time again a willingness to proliferate lies and to vulnerable American people so he could stay in power. To me, that is the most un-American thing that you can do…
“In this next election cycle, it’s the make-or-break moment for the Republican party. Now is the time, if these politicians, these men and some women that are currently in Congress, want to make the break and want to take the stand, they have to do it now. We can’t wait any longer for them to do it. I don’t know why they’re so willing to support him. I think it’s extremely disappointing…”
Yeah, no kidding. Charlie Sykes, the ex-conservative talk show host, writes: “This is the world that every Republican and conservative brought us by failing to show the minimal amount of integrity. Now they are shamed by the shining example of a 26-year-old woman with her life ahead of her, with no motive but love of country, and no power except that which comes from a clear conscience.”
When Hutchinson was a college senior, she said: “I have set a personal goal to pursue a path of civic significance.” She’s doing it now. If only Trump’s cowered fellow travelers had the stones to do the same.
Cassidy Hutchinson is the 2023 version of Anita Hill – brave, unassuming, intelligent, compelling.