With apologies to cinema’s The Gladiator:
“Ladies and gentlemen of the cult! I stand before you as a rapist, an insurrectionist, a coup plotter, a financial fraudster, a deadbeat who owes half a billion dollars to courts of law, a thief of classified documents, an accused criminal of 91 felonies, a racist, a porn star philanderer who cooks the books to buy silence, a denigrator of military heroes, a fear-mongering font of incoherence, a moral vacuum, a doormat for foreign dictators, a vengeful congenital liar with malice aforethought – are you not entertained?!“
And on Super Tuesday they mustered a collective huzzah:
“We are! You are what we want! Give us more!”
I have nothing more to say today. I yield to the poet Langston Hughes:
I am so tired of waiting,
Aren’t you,
For the world to become good
And beautiful and kind?
Let us take a knife
And cut the world in two –
And see what worms are eating
At the rind.