If you haven’t had a chance to catch Katie Britt’s fake emotional mishmash – her failed audition for an eighth grade production of The Stepford Wives – you’re in for a treat. But if your time is too precious to waste on the junior Republican senator from Alabama, I suggest this quickie cognitive test:
Woman. Kitchen. Liar. Camera. TV.
It’s sad, really. This newbie has been in office for only, like, one year, but presto! she’s already a MAGA stooge.
Giving her the SOTU response gig violated the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Cult strategists cooked up the boffo idea of putting her in the kitchen (where women apparently belong), thinking that would resonate with women voters. Then they stuffed her mouth with the standard MAGA nonsense – she assailed Joe Biden’s “border crisis” without mentioning that, at Trump’s behest, she helped kill the tough border security bill she’d formerly supported – all of which she duly disgorged on camera with over-coached Method acting.
But this passage, as you probably know, was the piece de resistance:
“When I took office (in 2023) I traveled to the Del Rio sector of Texas. That’s where I spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at the age of 12. She told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped. The cartels put her on a mattress in a shoe box of a room, and they sent men through that door over and over again for hours and hours on end. We wouldn’t be okay with this happening in a Third World country. This is the United States of America, and it is past time, in my opinion, that we start acting like it. President Biden’s border policies are a disgrace.”
What a message! An underage girl raped repeatedly, a captive of the cartels in “the United States of America” because of Joe Biden!
Turns out that’s all bullshit. What a surprise.
The mainstream media didn’t question the yarn. The actual truth was unearthed Friday by an independent journalist, Jonathan Katz, who outed Britt in a TikTok video. Indeed, Katz tells us, “I found it pretty easily.” The Washington Post and the Associated Press subsequently confirmed what he found.
The girl – now a woman – is Karla Jacinto Romero. The rapes happened in Mexican brothels, not in the United States. The rapes happened between 2004 and 2008…when George W. Bush was president.
Britt breathlessly told us that the woman “shared her story with me.” Big frickin’ deal. Romero shared her story in congressional testimony nine years ago. Her mother kicked her out of the house at age 12, she “fell prey to a professional pimp,” and she escaped at 16. She was never sex-trafficked in the U.S., the cartels were not involved (despite what Britt said), and, just for the record, Joe Biden was a senator at the time.
But MAGAts never acknowledge lies, no matter how blatant. Britt fled to Fox News Sunday, insisting that she never meant to tie Biden to that rape anecdote: “I very clearly said I spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when she was 12. I didn’t say a teenager. I didn’t say a young woman.” She’s right about that, in the literal sense. But if you re-read the entire quote at the top of this column, you’ll notice that she framed the woman’s nightmare as a Biden failure. (Every effective lie is spun like a spider’s web from a literal grain of truth.)
Indeed, the MAGATs’ first reflex is to circle the wagons and double down. Hence this statement yesterday from Britt’s spokesman: “The story Senator Britt told was 100 percent correct.”
Here’s what’s 100 percent correct: It takes a lot of moxie to lie about rape on behalf of a rapist presidential candidate who’s on the loose within our borders.