Before we ponder the big unanswerable question – is this country so sick that it’ll put a convicted felon in the White House? – we should expel a brief sigh of satisfaction. What we witnessed Thursday afternoon was an historic triumph for the rule of law. Twelve...
To best assess Nikki Haley’s decision to kiss Trump’s ass – big surprise, right? – I first need to tell you about Franz Von Papen. Papen was a prominent conservative German politician who helped pave the way for Adolf Hitler. In 1932, he was thirsting for a share of...
On this hallowed holiday, as we honor those who’ve died for their country, we need to remember that one of the guys aspiring (yet again) to be commander-in-chief has never quite understood the concepts of service and sacrifice. Here are seven random moments that will...
Now that the defense has rested in the Trump election-interference criminal trial – Trump didn’t testify (natch), lest he be ripped to shreds on cross examination – we can pause to ponder the big question: Was Michael Cohen a credible prosecution witness, or was he...
MAGA troll Sam Alito, having signaled his solidarity with Trump’s insurrectionists by flying (or allowing to have flown) an upside-down American flag at his home, is disgracing the U.S. Supreme Court with his mere presence. But that sentence barely scratches the...