Some convicted criminals are quite articulate. Take, for instance, “the late great Hannibal Lechter.” In his jailhouse conversations with Clarice, his diction was very rigorous. He abhorred ambiguity. He was very precise in his choice of words. He structured his sentences like a master craftsman. He was not a blathering idiot.
Speaking of blathering idiots:
The convicted criminal who tops the MAGA ballot fled last night to the friendly confines of lapdog Laura Ingraham’s Fox show, hoping to explain himself for the umpteenth time – only to confirm, for the umpteenth time, that the cognitively impaired presidential candidate (the oldest in history) is waging war on the English language and can’t give a straight answer to even the most ass-kissing questions. Indeed, his nephew Fred Trump writes in a new book that Uncle Donald is “atomic crazy.”
At issue on Ingraham’s show was something Trump said to a Christian group last weekend: “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.” Naturally those remarks infuriated the millions of Americans who are tracking the felon’s fascist designs.
Ingraham invited Trump to explain himself. Naturally she assured him that his critics were “ridiculous,” and off he went. This is verbatim:
“Let me say what I meant by that. This was a crowd that like me a lot. I think I was at 97 percent or something. And they’re treated very badly by this administration. Catholics are persecuted unbelievably, they’re like persecuted. And if I might say before I go into the other, Jewish people – if you’re Jewish and you vote for Biden or the Democrats or Kamala or whoever I guess it’s gonna be her, you should have your head examined because nobody has ever been treated so badly, so, with respect to like a statement like I made, that statement is very simple, I said vote for me you’re not gonna have to do it ever again, it’s true because we have to get the vote out, Christians are not known as a big voting group, they don’t vote, and I’m explaining that to them, you never vote, this time vote, I’ll straighten out the country you won’t have to vote anymore I won’t need your vote you can go back – “
During this aimless riff, the felon somehow opined that “Christians are not known as a big voting group,” which is the inversion of factual reality. White Protestants and white Catholics are the biggest religious cohorts in the electorate. And Trump eked out his ’16 win with fervent landslide support from the white evangelical Protestants who abided his amorality.
But the riff was only half over. Ingraham managed to interrupt: “Just to be clear, it’s being interpreted by the left, you’re not surprised to hear, as ‘we’re never going to have another election.’ Can you even just respond to that?”
At that point, all he had to say was “I believe in democracy” or “I believe in free elections every four years.” But instead he mixed his lies with demented digressions:
“Christians do not vote well. They vote in very small percentages. Why I don’t know. Maybe they’re disappointed with things that are happening, but for a long time, I’m saying go out you must vote whether you vote early or not, we should have by the way one-day voting, we should have voter IDF, we should have proof of citizenship and we should have paper ballots, that’s what we should have but we don’t have that, but I said to the Christians in the room thousands of them, I said typically Christians do not vote, why it is I don’t know, you’re rebellious something’s going on, don’t worry about the future, vote on Nov. 5 after that you don’t have to worry about voting anymore because the country will be fixed.”
If Joe Biden ever meandered and blathered so aimlessly…oh wait, the Dems have replaced him.
Ingraham also brought up J.D. Vance. She naturally neglected to repeat Vance’s contention that childless people are less invested in America and should have less clout. She just asked, “What can you say to our viewers tonight to reassure them that (he) was an excellent pick?”
The felon’s response:
“(Vance) made a statement having to do with families. That doesn’t mean that people who aren’t a member of a big and beautiful family with 400 children around and everything else, it doesn’t mean that a person that doesn’t have – he’s not against anything.”
Props to Trump for giving a rare straight answer! Alas, he lied when he said that Vance is “not against anything.” Today we learned (again) that Vance is hostile to childless Americans; in a newly unearthed 2020 podcast, he said that the childless, especially those in our “leadership class,” are “more sociopathic” than people with children. Vance said the childless make America “less mentally stable.”
It’d be swell to hear Trump defend all this in a September debate with Kamala Harris. But of course he’s refusing to commit, claiming that he needn’t bother because “I’m leading in the polls by I think a lot” (not anymore, buddy); that he doesn’t like debate host ABC News (“fake news”), and that Harris is “not very smart.”
Ingraham: “So why not debate her?”
Felon: “Because everyone already knows everything.”
He’s right. We certainly do. We know more than enough.