We in the press are rightly questioning President Biden’s fitness for a second term – I believe he has stayed in the game too long, the way Willie Mays did in ’73 after his skills had eroded – but by focusing so fervently on Joe’s mounting woes, we’ve taken our eye...
President Biden’s Friday sitdown with ABC News did nothing to staunch the bleeding. I’ve been boosting and defending him for the last four years, but I can’t deny what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears. It pains me to say this, but he’s the one living in denial...
By Chris Satullo It’s time for unprecedented. Some people still need to get their minds around the fact that Donald Trump long ago broke normal American politics. It’s not normal for a failed coup leader, convicted felon and adjudicated rapist to be allowed onto a...
We’ve known for many months that this day was coming. It was inevitable that the MAGA-infested Supreme Court would concoct the requisite flowery language to help Trump weasel out of his criminal predicament prior to the ’24 balloting. And now it has done so. With...