Are you up for a challenge? Let’s try to slog through this fetid sewer without getting nauseous:
On the one hand, detestable Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has decided to disgrace himself even more by hooking up with a narcissistic fascistic criminal who says that dead soldiers are suckers and losers. On the other hand, detestable Donald Trump has decided to disgrace himself even more by hooking up with a narcissistic conspiracy freak who says that a parasitic worm entered his brain and died there.
Which whacko is worse? I report, you decide.
I have no idea whether this marriage from hell will skew the presidential balloting in whichever direction. For now, I’m only prepared to point out that the stench of hypocrisy and opportunism is stronger than a mountain of horse manure.
Once upon a time, the Kennedy family outcast and former cocaine dealer proudly declared, “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I join Donald Trump on an electoral ticket. Our positions on certain fundamental issues, our approaches to governance, and our philosophies of leadership could not be further apart.” He recently complained that when Trump was president, he “scammed American workers…He inflamed racial tensions and didn’t keep us safe.” He has called Trump “a terrible human being. The worst president ever and barely human.”
Once upon a time, the convicted felon stomped all over Kennedy on social media, calling him “fake,” a “Democrat plant,” and a “radical left liberal” who’s “totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate.” Trump also said that he’d “even take Biden over Junior.”
But, as we well know after nine exhaustive years, Trump’s words have less value than soiled Kleenex and his purported positions have the life span of a mayfly.
Now that Kennedy done a 180 on Trump, Trump has done a 180 on Kennedy. Trump now says the guy is “very smart.” Trump says the nutcase’s endorsement is “a great honor.” Trump says, “I like him a lot, I respect him a lot…He’s a great guy, respected by everybody.” (Fact check: He’s not.)
So pathetic. The reek of desperation permeates this perversion of political matrimony.
I remember, in 2008, when John McCain tried to kill the buzz created by Barack Obama’s convention by announcing his running mate one day later. Compared to the Trump-Kennedy hookup, which was rigged to undercut Kamala’s buzz, the ’08 announcement of Sarah Palin looks like an act of genius.
John Bunyan, the 17th-century author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, has a question for Trump and Kennedy: “Do you place your faith in words…without a care for how you act?”
We already know the answer. Those guys deserve each other.
Netanyahu and Biden (with Harris) are no less nauseous and deserving of one another. The US is risking a regional war by aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza, but that’s no problem for you.