If Kamala Harris wins North Carolina, and thus the presidency, she should send a gift basket to lowlife Mark Robinson.
If it were even possible to locate the bottom of the bottomless MAGA barrel, Robinson would surely be there. The Republican gubernatorial candidate – lauded by Donald Trump as “fantastic…one of the great stars of the party…one of the strongest and bravest new voices” – has long assailed women (he says they shouldn’t be allowed to vote), Jews (he says the Holocaust didn’t happen), gay people (“a filthy abomination”), and much more. The fact that this guy is currently lieutenant governor tells us all we need to know about MAGA voters in a state once renowned for its moderate Republican politics.
But now it turns out – kudos to CNN’s new investigative report – that Robinson spent years on a porno website message board calling himself a “Black Nazi” who hates Martin Luther King (“that fucking commie bastard”), and calling himself a “perv” who likes…um…I’ll just quote his online message: “I like watching tranny on girl porn! That’s fucking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” This is the same guy who stumps for governor by railing against transgender people.
He didn’t seem to like his fellow Black people, either: “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few.” Nor did he seem to like our first Black president, writing in 2012, “I’d take Hitler over any of the shit that’s in Washington right now!” But he did like “peeping” on women in public gym showers, to the point of sharing graphic details (which CNN spared us).
Dallas Woodhouse, a former high-ranking North Carolina Republican official, told a reporter that Robinson “was a trainwreck from the beginning. But no one knew how bad it could be.” (Actually, you had to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to know.)
Late yesterday, Robinson predictably insisted that the story was fake and that he didn’t write any of the stuff CNN meticulously documented with screenshots. Whatever; lying is standard operating procedure. But he did say one thing that surely pleased Kamala Harris:
“We are not getting out of this race.”
Yes! Thank you, sir!
Nothing can be better for Harris, in this winnable southern state (which no Democratic presidential candidate has won since 2008), than to have this degenerate topping the ticket and threatening to drag Trump down with him. Call it the reverse-coattails effect. Call it the ball-and-chain effect. The question now is whether Trump will stick with the guy or toss him overboard. The latter option might be awkward – given the fact that Trump endorsed Robinson long ago despite his known rhetorical depravities, and hailed Robinson as “an outstanding person” and “a fine wine” and “the hottest guy in politics” and “an incredible gentleman.” But, lest we forget, Trump has defended all kinds of fellow lunatics, from Kari Lake to Herschel Walker to Roy Moore.
This latest twist of the plot is a gift to the Harris campaign, which, today, is launching a massive North Carolina ad blitz that features Trump’s fulsome praise for the incredible gentleman. May they sink together.
“Robinson was already toast,” longtime Republican operative Doug Heye reportedly said yesterday. “The question is, does this (Robinson bombshell) drown out some of Trump’s message?”
To which I say: What message might that be?
Last night Trump showed up at a forum about anti-Semitism and said that if he loses in November, he’ll blame the Jews. I kid you not. These were his words: “If I don’t win this election, the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that.”
In other news, Hitler blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on the Jews.
Trump and Robinson, perfect together at the bottom of the bottomless barrel.