Only in America can a dope for the ages – a tax cheat and adjudicated financial fraudster who bankrupted casinos – still manage to fail upward almost all the way to Presidency II. And have the gall to parade himself as an economics genius. I can say with total...
You’d think, if this were a rational country, that Kamala Harris would be a shoo-in for the presidency, if only because her opponent is, according to ex-Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, “a fascist to the core.” But alas no. The rap against Harris is that...
With 25 days left on the electoral clock, there remains the real possibility that this country will goose-step over the cliff and usher in a MAGA restoration – because no scandal, no matter how monumental, seems to deter the dumb, the feckless, the credulous, and the...
“A billion dollars was stolen from FEMA to use it for illegal migrants…” “The Harris-Biden administration says they don’t have any money” for hurricane relief… “They stole the FEMA money, just like they stole it from a bank, so they could give it to their illegal...
How sweet it is that Donald Trump’s crimes in the wake of his 2020 defeat are finally back in the headlines, just in time for the final sprint to the 2024 election. Thank you, Jack Smith, for the newly-released court brief that meticulously details the federal case...