I know, I know. You’re sick and tired of reading about the convicted felon’s babbling imbecility. But I deem it a public service to provide fresh examples – and thus to wonder aloud whether we’ve fallen so far as a nation that we’d actually entrust our national security to a criminal whose liquified brains are leaking from his ears.
This riff, from last weekend, warrants attention before it’s forgotten and replaced by his next incoherent roundelay of lies. He got it into his head that the U.S. Army, prodded by a weak woke Biden administration, has imminent plans to build battery-operated combat tanks:
“..They want to make them now electric, so that when you go into enemy territory, and you obliterate the enemy and you knock down and those tanks are firing, you do it in an environmentally-friendly way. The problem with the army tanks, like cars and like trucks, the problem is that you have to bring a battery pack along, you have to pull it, like a little wagon, like a child pulls a wagon. So they want to build an army tank, but you know the battery is very big and very heavy, much heavier than a thing called diesel, much heavier than diesel fuel, and you gotta see this tank. it’s like a wagon and there’s a big thing that is pulling in the back, and even with that it doesn’t go far and lots of bad things happen like it doesn’t take cold weather very well and it’s really bad in heat…”
There you have it. The next generation of military combat tanks will be hauling big heavy batteries on “a little wagon, like a child pulls a wagon.”
Did you know this is happening? Neither did I. That’s because the convicted felon made the whole thing up.
A defense industry engineer told fact-checkers months ago: “The Army is not planning on fielding or deploying an electric tank.” Let’s say it again: The Army has no plans for all-electric combat tanks.
What the Army is planning, what’s already underway, is a slow conversion to electric light-duty support vehicles – light trucks, dump trucks, pickups, whatever is not on the battlefield – with the goal of completing the task by 2050.
In a reality-based world, the felon’s fantasy riffs – about the military and so much else – would be a deal-breaker; indeed, Mark Esper, his last Defense secretary, currently says he’s “unfit for office.” But facts do not penetrate the weak minds of those who have taken refuge on Trump’s atoll of ignorance. They’re now primed to believe that our combat tanks will haul batteries on children’s wagons – and that whatever emenates from the MAGA News Service. Worst of all, these people vote.
“If Donald Trump has a superpower,” writes Kevin Williamson, a veteran pre-MAGA conservative commentator, “it is being so brazen and insistent in his stupidity and dishonesty that his lackeys, sycophants, and credulous marks have no choice but to adopt his stupidity and honesty as their own…Either people actually believe it when they repeat Trump’s baloney, in which case they are too stupid for further conversation to be of any value, or they don’t believe it, in which case they are dishonest – and there’s never any point talking to a dishonest person.”
Fortunately, there are more of us than there are of them. God help us if the November election proves me wrong.